Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How to Get Back with Your Ex

Getting back with your ex isn't an easy thing to do, but it can be accomplished with a sound strategy in place.  It isn't wise to just dial up the phone hoping you will think of something to say.  Plan it all out first.  Here are some tips on how to get your ex back.

Go Slow

Rebuilding trust takes time, so it's important that you don't rush into anything.  Easing your way back into their life is the best way to go about it.  Begin with just a coffee cup get-together and work your way up from  there, after you have established the comfort level.  

Make a lasting impression

Go into the first meeting (not a date) looking and speaking your best.  Remember that your ex may be skeptical about giving you another chance.  Talk about the now and not the past.  Be positive and complimentary.  Remember this if you want to know how to get back with your ex.

Be friendly, but not friends

Lots of people recommend you become friends with your ex first.  Think about that for a moment.  Let's say your ex is already dating someone else, do you want to be thought of as just a friend now? I doubt it!  Be friendly of course, but don't ever settle for what you don't really want.  Sure, you may have to wait after this rebound relationship ends (they almost ALWAYS do), but you know you acted cool when it was happening--and you didn't have to do that 'friends' thing in the meantime.

When getting back with your ex, the hardest part is getting started.  However, if you have a strategy in place, you will be able to overcome those fears easier.

Now that you've read the basics of how to get back with your ex, why not take it up a notch? http://relationshipanwers.net gives you more tips and advice to get them back fast.

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