Saturday, January 23, 2010

Exactly How to Stop Divorce

If you want to know how to stop a divorce, just keep reading. Here you will find some simple and smart strategies that will guide you on how to stop a divorce.

Three common things that people do when trying to stop a divorce:

1. Argue/Reason. Your spouse doesn't want to be talked into anything nor be reasoned with. This doesn't work. If you argue, this will work against you by pushing them away. Arguing only creates more negativity that will never help your cause.

2. Say they love you. Love isn't enough right now. Telling your spouse you love them doesn't work when other problems exist in the marriage; and 'love' just won't make those problems go away now.

3. Giving assurances and promises. To say you'll change or vow never to cheat again won't work either. Trust and believability are what's at stake here and giving assurances or promises isn't going to help your situation at this point.

If you're wanting to know how to stop a divorce now or in the future, DON'T DO THESE THINGS!

What you can start doing is agree with them. Arguing tells them they're wrong, but agreeing says they are right.

If your spouse asks for a divorce, say, "I agree and understand where you are coming from." You'll get two things from this: you'll be given reasons of why they want a divorce, and they'll probably want to think about it more when you are agreeing with them. 

Pressure moves them away, but agreeing says you are 'on their side.' Do what they want and like it! If not, you will come off as needy and whining. Stop pushing and learn to pull instead.

By being enthusiastic and pleasing, you are giving them NO reason to be hostile towards you anymore. Want some easy strategies that really work on how to stop a divorce? Discover a hidden secret that will allow you to get your ex spouse back quick at

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